Happy Inter-dependence Day!

Image source: Unsplash.com

Image source: Unsplash.com

For our contemplative practice: let’s look at Independence Day more as Interdependence Day. 

Despite the current chaos, we live in a great country! Let us pause, celebrate the positive, refresh our energy and use it to fuel the drive toward the common GOOD. We live at a time (thank you founding fathers) where we can use our freedoms to take a stand and to shape, with our voices and actions, what America stands for: life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness … with equally accessible for all. No one can acquire this on their own, no man is an island, we need each other to achieve these lofty goals and WE are worth working it. We are here, living together, and every day is another opportunity to embrace the potential of not only what that can be and mean, but what freedom really feels like and how all of this can then propel our actions. 

Everything life-giving relies on interdependence. We can reflect what each of us can bring to the collective effort toward these goals and recognize that it means starting with the (small) self and working toward the Self. There we will find that reviving Divine spark, set within each of us, which reminds us that being here, now, is a gift and more importantly, being alive today means that we have purpose…and responsibility.

Sustainability of life-giving communities means that our wholeness and wellbeing is interdependent. Our earth is populated from the evolution of civilizations, the first of which is now the northern African/Middle Eastern area. The word Ubuntu, from its African origin, means “I am because we are.” It looks at “community” as the building block of society, in every sense of the word. We are healthier when we work together. If we look deep, America is for everyone - American citizens come from all corners of the world, and each person counts! We all lend great aspects of our original cultures to shaping our shared American community.

This year, let’s celebrate Life by really seeing, valuing, and celebrating each other. I want to start by saying thank you for being in my life. 


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