Raising our Vibration with Yogic Practices for Continued Healing


This month I am going to reintroduce the ideals of using healing sounds, to include singing bowls and pranayamas, aromatherapy and mantras.  All of these tools help to affect our physical and emotional vibration, lending themselves to creating space, which invites healing.  Mantras are healing sounds from their Sanskrit origin. There are many classical mantras, like the Premordial Sound of Om, and the Mother mantra, the Gayatri.  

In this month, I am including mantras which are considered prayers for peace, guiding us to recognize our connectivity to each other and to the Divine. We can learn more about their meaning and appreciate the wisdom from the ancient sages, we can recite them knowing that the placement of certain syllables next to each other have healing vibrations and we can experience all of this exponentially with how current day musicians have helped us by adding more layers of vibration with music.   For your uplifting experience here are a few:

For your uplifting experience

1. The Adi Mantra: Ong Namo Guru Dev Namo 

Chanting ‘Ong Namo Guru Dev Namo’ at the start of our day, or at the start of our yoga practice, we invite our ego to give way to our higher self, our intuition. We invite this innate wisdom to steer our practice and our day, opening us to being receptive to our higher consciousness, and refining our tuning to the intuitive messages from our body and mind.

Here’s what the root words mean:

Ong: The creative energy of the cosmos

Namo: To bow to
Guru: Wisdom, teacher or Source of knowledge

Dev: Subtle, etheric, divine

Namo: To bow to Here is a beautiful way to learn, recite, sing along: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R6fkvaBtjuY

2. Prayer for Peace Mantra:

Asatoma Sadgamaya comes from Brihadaranyaka Upanishads, and is recited to invoke peace. The meaning of the syllables, asato mā sadgamaya, tamasomā jyotir gamaya, mrityormāamritam gamaya, Oṁ śhānti śhānti śhāntiḥ means “From ignorance, lead me to truth; From darkness, lead me to light; From death, lead me to immortality, Om peace, peace, peace

3. Lokah Samastah Sukhino Bhavantu

May all beings everywhere be happy and free, and may the thoughts, words, and actions of my own life contribute in some way to that happiness and to that freedom for all. To better understand the meaning of each word of this invocational mantra: lokah: location, realm, all universes which exist
samastah: all beings sharing that same location
sukhino: centered in happiness, free from suffering
bhav: the divine mood or state of unified existence
antu: may it be so, it must be so, meant to be a resolve Reciting this mantra is a reminder which guides our resolve to be mindful that our thoughts, words and actions have a ripple effect to all life on this earth, and our connection to all life needs US ALL to recognize this profound connection – we are ALL ONE!

Here is a beautiful recitation of the above two combined mantras https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GNptlwUrsDg

In times of adversity, we sometimes feel small and helpless, and it is easy to get caught in a downward spiral, emotionally and physically. May these healing sounds help raise the vibration , moving us toward an upward spiral, recognizing that we are here, now, together.


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