There is Only One Way - Forward!


As we welcome in the New Year 2021, Life Fit, Inc. extends warm wishes to our world community and especially to our Life Fit students & friends, for renewed strength, good health, peace and joy. To elevate LOVE and to light the way toward a brighter tomorrow. The Full Moon arrives in this New Year week, and shines a light to reflect and show us that we are all standing under the same sun, the same night sky, the same heaven. Perhaps we can see things in this new light, collectively, in alignment with each other. Perhaps we can consciously choose with our thoughts, words and actions, what can propel our world toward a brighter future, from the springboard of lessons learned in 2020 and in the past. As we acknowledge and savor the relevance of being on the cusp of a new year, I invite you to contemplate sadhna with sankalpa, I invite you to "walk the labyrinth," physically (whenever you have that opportunity) and visually using this design.

Sadhana is one's daily spiritual practice. It is basically your inner work for connecting to your Divine Self, and using that guidance to navigate the journey of your calling, your purpose. In Ayurveda and Yoga it is considered a daily responsibility, part of dinacharya or daily practices.  

Sankalpa is the setting of an intention, one that comes from your Higher Self, your Truth. 

Meditation is the practice of using a single-pointed focus to train the racing mind to becoming less agitated/hijacked/scattered, and through a regular practice, to find this capacity outside of the time spent in meditation, thus the fruit of the labor is the a less agitated mind... always, a transition toward more clarity.

The labyrinth pictured above is a meditation and prayer tool. There are many designs and they have all been used by many cultures, across centuries, in similar ways. The designs are symbolic in many ways too. The path has only one way in and one way out. Therefore the mind relaxes as it does not have to navigate. One can follow the path physically or visually and receive the same benefits. This past summer/fall, we tried outdoor yoga on the labyrinth and will offer that again this summer too. In the meantime, use the design here and trace it with your eyes and when you have a chance, enjoy walking an outdoor labyrinth when possible - you'll be surprised to find them in many places. Three aspects that I want to point out:

  1. The way "in" represents your "giving away," talking to God, and asking.

  2. The center is the place to wait and "receive.

  3. The way back represents that the opportunities to apply what we received. It might not come at the time of your experience, but if you are open to the message, it will come at a later time and you will know. 

Though every moment is an opportunity for a new beginning, the dawn of a new year calls us to create positive change, alongside each other, recognizing that we while we are here to serve, we are also here to appreciate and learn from each other along the way of our journey FORWARD into life.  

The collective power of practitioners taking on the same practice, gives a greater impetus for living in alignment with what we can consciously choose. Every moment, every being, every experience is as sacred as any other. The choices we make and where we put our attention is particularly relevant right now. Let's concentrate our visions for a brighter year together, each person adding their Light to our journey forwardtogether, into 2021!


The Power of Love


How did you choose to change?