How did you choose to change?


This entire year marks one of those times where when we reflect in conversation, we will continue to appreciate each other when we ask, “where were you in 2020? What do you remember? How did it change you?” And, more importantly, “how did you choose to change?” These are questions that point us in the direction of our true north, to understand ourselves, how do we react when challenged? Do our reactions bring to the surface what truly needs attention for betterment? Are we willing to humbly acknowledge our shortcomings and to be proactive, turning the corner toward the light? Can we create opportunity from chaos? Knowing that we inhabit this earth together should mean something significant to each of us, or else we’re not really showing up; instead we are hiding in the shadows of our own making.

This year has been the perfect storm, as we have faced a debilitating pandemic, economic instability, the roar of inequality and racism, and raging fires in our country both physically and politically. Today is a significant day in a significant year where when we are called to conversation, what will we share? How did we choose to spend this day? Did we participate with acts of goodwill and generosity of spirit? Did we acknowledge those who graced our presence as significant in our journey? Can we strengthen the ties of community and lean in with compassion? In recognizing that our lifetime is but a small fragment of precious time with precious people, how are we willing to be accountable as citizens of the world, going forward from this day?

Authors Note: The idea for the image above was adapted to fit our yoga community and inspired by the beautiful signs at


There is Only One Way - Forward!


Staying Strong Together this Fall